Sunday, March 11, 2012

Full Moon Superstition...

I don't know if this is something the practice where I work at believes in or if it is a known superstition amongst dental professionals, but it is something I am beginning to believe the more I continue to work as a Saturday receptionist at the dental clinic.

The phones can get crazy with emergency case calls on Saturdays, but especially more after a Full Moon. The scheduling managers and receptionists, even dentists, blame the Full Moon for odd emergency case calls and unusual patients coming in. Yesterday, as soon as the first set of pedo kids came in, at least 4-5 calls came in with emergencies within the next half hour. The phones almost were off the hook until an hour before lunch.

Sure enough, when they looked at the calendar, there was a Full Moon Thursday night. Odd, isn't it?

Then, the elevator that had been out of order all week when I was shadowing was ready to go on Saturday morning when I arrived. So, I took it up just fine. On the way out, I of course took the elevator down to the LL from 2nd. But when it got down to the LL, it wouldn't open. I pressed "Door Open" several times and in the midst of doing this, it started going up all by itself. Luckily, one of the other dental assistants was on her way down. I told her what had happened, and as we went down, the same exact thing happened! It freaked us out a little bit so we decided to take the stairs afterwards.

Crazy Full Moon.

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