Thursday, March 8, 2012

A day at the office shadowing Dr.J.C.

Today I shadowed Dr.J.C. Now, having shadowed at this same office for the third time, I've gotten pretty used to seeing the same seats and preps, extractions, fillings, root canals, and hygiene exams. Today was no different, but it was kind of cool to actually be able to see while I was peering over the dentist's shoulder, a wisdom tooth extraction and the root canal of a visible near-front tooth.

Things about the dentists at this clinic, particularly Dr.C & Dr.S, whom I shadowed today and Tuesday, respectively? They work super fast, their dental assistants know it too.What's interesting about Dr.C is that she drills with just one hand and lets her left just kind of hang there while she drills. Insane.

The thing that gets to me, every time I hear it, is "That's it? I'm done?" after an extraction of a tooth that had been bothering them. They hear all these nightmarish stories about horror stories of tooth extractions and when a tooth is extracted in less than ten minutes after the miserable injection of lidocaine, more commonly known as Novocaine, they are just in utter shock. I've heard it each time I've shadowed at this particular office and it amuses me every time. It's not the most pleasant thing to see, with the bulky and tool-shop worthy instruments in someone's mouth, but it's a sight to see when the tooth just casually slips itself out...

Anyways, back for a final time this week tomorrow. Well, that is, besides working there on Saturday. I would type more, but right now I'm super exhausted and need to rest up before another 5-6 hours on my feet tomorrow tagging behind Dr.O.

'Till I get there!

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