Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas Miracle - Interview Invite!

To my unexpected surprise, I was invited for a second interview this cycle at school Z about a week before Christmas. Out of all the schools I applied to, school Z was definitely the last place I expected to be invited for interview.

Nonetheless, it definitely boosted my self-esteem after being down in the dumps for two weeks about how I would have to resort to something else. That maybe I wasn't meant to be a dentist. Although I know this doesn't mean acceptance to school X or Z, it gives me hope. It is something that no one or thing can replace within me. It was surreal to see that e-mail in my inbox that Friday morning. I thought, Here comes the inevitable rejections...

I have a reasonable amount of time to prepare, but I'm thinking of it as my second chance. Let's make the most of it!

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