Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Interesting conversation...

As a float in a chain of dental offices in the Midwest, I can go to one of several offices a week to help out as a front office staff member helping out with phones, collecting payments, preparing records, and more.

I picked up a call today from an orthodontist out east. I didn't make out much of what he had introduced himself with and caught the end, "....Was wondering what you thought of it." I assumed he was a telemarketer out east asking if this franchise had tried a new dental office product or was trying to sell something. I was very wrong. When I asked if I could collect a number for the appropriate person to call him back, he said he just wanted to know what front office staff thought of our new web-based software program. He couldn't have talked to a better person because I have the insight from several offices.

As I shared my experiences as a float jumping around from group practice attempting to schedule appropriately for doctors and their respective clinical teams, I shared how our new system is unable to do it effectively. He mentioned how interesting it was because most practices out east are private. It had never occurred to me that the concept of a franchise of group practices was out of the ordinary anywhere outside the Midwest.

I really like how this random call gave me some insight on the practice of dentistry out east. I will be heading out there tomorrow for an interview Thursday.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas Miracle - Interview Invite!

To my unexpected surprise, I was invited for a second interview this cycle at school Z about a week before Christmas. Out of all the schools I applied to, school Z was definitely the last place I expected to be invited for interview.

Nonetheless, it definitely boosted my self-esteem after being down in the dumps for two weeks about how I would have to resort to something else. That maybe I wasn't meant to be a dentist. Although I know this doesn't mean acceptance to school X or Z, it gives me hope. It is something that no one or thing can replace within me. It was surreal to see that e-mail in my inbox that Friday morning. I thought, Here comes the inevitable rejections...

I have a reasonable amount of time to prepare, but I'm thinking of it as my second chance. Let's make the most of it!