Thursday, February 23, 2012

Introductory Blog!

I decided to start this blog for three main reasons:

  1. to track my progress as I apply to dental school a second time around
  2. to reflect on my experiences and encounters with dentistry
  3. IF I become a dentist, to share how I am making an impact as professional of dentistry
So, essentially, I'm doing two things at this point in time. Now, I guess I can't say I've been completely been disregarded as a candidate for dental school for the 2012 school year, but I'm not going to count on my status right now. Thus, I decided in January to prepare to re-apply. I think I'm on the right track so far, mentally and physically. 

It won't be easy to make myself into a better and improved candidate by June 4, 2012, but I'm going to give it I have got until then. If that means giving up my friends, my hobbies, and being plain lazy -- then I must do it. My future rides on this. An orthodontist asked me today, "Do you have a plan B?". This struck me by surprise because aside from the fact that it is an uncommon question asked by a dental professional, my plans B, C, and D are so far behind my plan A that I keep myself as distant as I can from plans that don't start with A. (More on my shadowing experience tomorrow....)

What am I doing now to show my dedication to dental school? Volunteering once a week, shadowing a bit more, thinking about taking the DAT again, applied to a summer enrichment program, and working once a week as a receptionist at a dental office. 

Anyways, tomorrow is Friday. Hopefully I won't get any mail for I fear Friday snail mail, it only means one thing. R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N.

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