Friday, June 15, 2012


I feel like I'm a better candidate this year, except now I don't feel as good.
The dentists I know and have networked with seem to think I would be a good candidate for dental school...The admissions committees might think otherwise. The orthodontist I shadowed said I'm definitely more personable than some of the other people who have shadowed him and the dental resident I just e-mailed told me that "I've definitely shown serious interest and that the schools will recognize that."

Why was I such an idiot in college? If only I would've wanted dentistry then as I do now. But growth is all apart of this, is it not?

And I wish my two other letter writers would submit! Or at least get back to me! #goinginsane #panicking

And a plug for this AWESOME, HILARIOUS DENTAL TUMBLR that my friend introduced me to a few days ago: Don't pee in your pants!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012